I’ve sent off the first round of edits to Nicole Kimberling at Blind Eye Books, and I’m now eagerly awaiting their return, which will happen in early January. I’m curious about what will stay and what will change in this next round.
Nikki actually did the first round of edits 100% on paper–in pencil, not the red ink you’re probably imagining–because she thought it might work better for us in this case. In places where scenes or passages had to be moved, she cut and stapled and reassembled. Unlike many authors, I can say that I’ve actually seen my editor go after my manuscript with a pair of scissors.
On the last day of edits, I saw her write something out. I could have sworn it said “adorable,” which confused me. When I asked what it said, she told me it meant “adventure.” Oh, the disadvantages of paper editing — having to read someone’s handwriting, which in the digital world I guess I’m just not all that accustomed to.
Heh. It will be interesting to see what changes I’ve made, thinking that she asked me to do them, versus what changes she actually did ask me to make. Probably that scene with the koala will have to go … ;)