Highfell Grimoires – Now Near You!

Highfell Grimoires has now been released and is available. It’s on paper. It’s online. It’s lurking right behind you, maybe under your bed, waiting to be read! Crack it open to discover what secrets can be found in Highfell Hall, drifting in the icy heights above Herrow.

Shadows, Larger than Life

In this blossoming of the LGBTQ civil rights movement, how pertinent is it, as a writer, to discuss the bigotry of what will, hopefully, soon be a bygone day?

Highfell – Final Draft

I received the proofreader’s remarks on Thursday and worked on it, hard and incessantly, until Sunday night. Now it’s off with the typesetter and then the printer. And soon enough I’ll hold a copy in my own hands!

Ulterior Motives

It was not with the noblest of intentions that I began to question the young gentleman who was kindly walking me home from the pub.

Highfell Grimoires – Excerpt

For all those who like to open their gifts early, I’m putting up the excerpt from Highfell Grimoires (HTML) for you on Christmas Eve and I’m wishing you some fine holidays. I look forward to being able to share with you the whole novel with you in the New Year!